Take stock of your help center screenshots
Use the help center import to take an inventory of all the existing screenshots in your help center and create a single repository for all your product screenshots.
Import using your help center URL
Run an import using your help center URL for a one-time static scan of your help center to import all of your existing product screenshots. No API access to your help center is required. The article relationships for each of your screenshots will also be imported, linking the help article URLs where the product screenshot was found in your help center on import.
The screenshot automation platform will perform an exhaustive raw pixel diff on all the images in your help center and will only import each unique screenshot once. Duplicate screenshots will not be created on import.

Import using a connected help center
Connect your help center directly to the platform using an API key or token. Use one of your connected help centers to initiate a scan of your help center to import all existing product screenshots, including a link to each of the help article URLs where that screenshot lives in your help center. Connect your help center using on of the follow integrations:
- Zendesk
- Intercom
- Help Scout
- KnowledgeOwl
- Helpjuice
- Freshdesk

Sync with your favorite help center

Now it seems a little silly that we continually updated images for all of our help articles. Manually. Over and over again. Screenshot Automation from LaunchBrightly is a peek into the future.
Anita KoimurCo-founder/COO at LiveFlow