By Josh Peacock, Dennis Mortensen In Newsletter | March 2024

Automatically verify your product screenshots for changes

Newsletter 4

Newsletter from March 29th, 2024: feel free to sign up to get this directly in your inbox

Using the screenshot automation platform you can set up simple automation recipes to auto-generate screenshots of the latest version of your product. Now, with the launch of our NEW Screenshot Repository Audit, you can automatically verify your product screenshots to identify any changes!

Running the Screenshot Repository Audit will reprocess all of your automated screenshot recipes and compare these up-to-the-minute screenshots against your previously generated screenshots to check for discrepancies. The platform will run a visual diff against the previous version of your screenshot allowing you to quickly identify what, if any, changes have occurred and to easily accept or reject the changes so you are in full control of your automated screenshots.

LaunchBrightly Screenshot Repository Audit

Receive automatic alerts when changes are detected

We know how frustrating it can be relying on other teams to keep you updated on product changes. Those magical Slack channels set up specifically for product change information, and other processes, never seem to work as well as we’d like. No matter how good the intention of all involved.

You can now use the Screenshot Repository Audit to help stay on top of these product changes! Each time you run an Audit, the platform will automatically alert you whenever a product change affects one of your screenshots and will help you take your document maintenance to the next level.

Full approval and tracking of screenshot changes

When running a new Screenshot Repository Audit you will have the option to accept or reject the changes in any of the freshly generated screenshots as part of the audit. If you accept the changes to a screenshot this will automatically become your new Active Screenshot and form part of the screenshot history.

The screenshot automation platform will also maintain a log for each of your Audits, allowing you to revisit past audits to track changes to your screenshots. Each of the audit logs will provide you with a visual history of the screenshot diffs, along with the date the audit was initiated and tracking of which screenshots were approved or rejected. A full screenshot governance process!

LaunchBrightly Screenshot Repository Audit Log

Stay tuned for the LaunchBrightly Scheduler!

The Screenshot Repository Audit is just the first step in giving you more control over your product screenshots. The team also is working hard on our next Audit enhancement - LaunchBrightly Scheduler!

Using the LaunchBrightly Scheduler you will be able to set your Screenshot Repository Audit to run daily, weekly or at a cadence of your choice. Schedule your screenshot audits to run regularly, and have the confidence of knowing you will receive an automatic alert notifying of changes to your product.

Stay tuned :-)

We’d love to ask some questions on how you would best like to see the results of an Audit, and how we might ultimately replace that magical PMM Slack channel for product changes! No commitment, just some geeking out on screenshot automation. *Click reply OR click this button to just steal some time on our calendar. 

Don’t miss your tickets to ElevateWoman!

ElevateWoman is an event designed for all woman-identifying customer experience leaders to learn, share, and grow together and will be held in Austin from May 31st to June 1st. The event is produced by our friends at ElevateCX with inspiring talks, engaging workshops, and networking opportunities to motivate and empower women in customer experience.

*And through May 15th all single tickets are 2-for-1 so you still have some time to sign up and bring a friend for free!

See more upcoming events from LaunchBrightly and through the wider Support community on our events page.

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