By Josh Peacock In Events | October 2024

Recap: The 46th ElevateCX event is in the books!

We are filled with gratitude after an incredible week in Denver with the kind, encouraging, and endlessly inspiring ElevateCX community!

Leaving Denver, we were filled with a profound sense of connection and positivity, surrounded by people eager to share, engage, and uplift one another for the growth of themselves and their peers. We feel incredibly fortunate to be part of this remarkable community!

The team at ElevateCX continues to foster a community of customer support and customer experience professionals, offering a space for inspiration and growth. It’s a chance to learn from a handpicked selection of speakers, tackle the industry’s key challenges, and network with fellow support experts.

† Sarah Hatter and Dennis Mortensen

Thanks to the incredible generosity of Sarah Hatter, we had the opportunity to take the stage once again and demo all the amazing progress we’ve made in the 518 days since introducing LaunchBrightly’s screenshot automation platform to the ElevateCX community in San Diego last year. The insight and enthusiasm from the community for what we are building at LaunchBrightly is fuel that will keep us hard at work slaying the manual screenshot pain for many months!

ElevateCX Denver 2024

Just some of the many features we shipped, and were super excited to highlight for the community include:

ElevateCX Denver 2024

And let’s not forget the stellar list of speakers who were generous enough to share their story, and provide insight on a range of challenges facing the CX industry today. Below is a summary of each of the talks our amazing speakers provided:

Mercer Smith

There was no better person to kick off the event than Mercer! Who set the tone for the two days to follow by describing how geese fly in a V formation so that as each bird flaps its wings, an uplift is created for the one behind. That by working together, the flock can fly further and with less effort than flying alone. A great metaphor for the importance of teamwork and mutual support, where lifting each other up makes the journey easier for everyone.

chyngyz dzhumanazarov

A great talk focused on navigating AI-related anxiety and shifting the conversation from one of fear to embracing AI in a positive way. Chyngyz encouraged us to tackle AI advancements head-on and view them as opportunities to drive customer support, and our businesses, forward rather than as a source of anxiety.

Support tickets are a window to what's going on in the business

Amiee Twigg

Amiee’s talk was concentrated on developing a more human approach to performance management plans and how important that approach can be, particularly in the current landscape of layoffs. It was refreshing to see this sensitive topic addressed from a human perspective, focusing on empathy and understanding rather than purely on metrics and outcomes. And Amiee shared some real-life examples of the positive impact that can make!

Anothey Lopez

Commanding the room, Anthony shared a practical perspective on AI by presenting real-life examples of its successful implementation in his role as a CX leader. He demonstrated how he has used AI to free up time to share insights and better advocate for his customers. It was inspiring to see CX leaders who understand these tools, help other CX leaders better take advantage of them.

Matt Dale

Always enthusiastic and enlightening, Matt shared an exercise he undertook to better understand his “coaching tree” and to teach us the value in meaningfully reconnecting with those you have led and reported to throughout your career. The talk emphasized the importance of leadership and fostering meaningful connections, and taking the time to recognize the positive impact those connections can have on those around you.

If you’re looking for fractional CX servies from a professional who has performed these functions in real businesses for decades, or just want to chat CX, hit Matt up at:

Suneet Bhatt

The inimitable Suneet concluded the first day with a workshop designed to create space for personal growth, and with a focus on finding our purpose. For many of us, we don’t have the time, space, or roadmap to make unearthing that purpose accessible. Suneet was generous enough to create time for us. To take us through the Happy, Product, Not Yet Satisfied framework that has helped hundreds of people become unstuck, and to help us start our journey towards finding our purpose.

To learn more about Suneet, and the amazing classes he runs, check him out at My Authentic Story.

Craig Stoss

After morning yoga, Craig kicked-off the more tactical series of day two talks by challenging us on how to measure customer experience. He emphasized that measuring customer experience should not come from the company’s perspective, but rather on understanding what customers truly want and, more importantly, what they value. A shift in perspective that will help you better understand your customers, and create meaningful experiences that resonate with them.

Erica Clayton

Erica highlighted the importance of addressing difficult conversations in the workplace rather than avoiding them. She provided some examples of common challenging discussions a CX leader can expect to have, the areas of the business where these conversations tend to arise, and provided some specific tactics for addressing these challenges. These are important conversations that not only help to advocate for and move your customer support organization forward, but also the overall business.

Andrew Rios

Coach Rios’ talk focused on the essential meetings and types of documentation that customer support leaders should prioritize. Both when managing their own teams, but also when managing stakeholders outside of the customer support organization.

Coach Rios is a long-time CX leader with over 25 years of experience, and is passionate about helping customer experience and customer support leaders power-up and own their seat at the table. If you are interested in learning more you can visit:

Kristi Ernst Thompson

Customer support professionals often arrive into support through non-linear trajectories, which means that they arrive with transferable skills. Kristi talked through the importance of transferable skills among support professionals, and discussed the benefits of these varied viewpoints in enhancing team effectiveness and problem-solving. Kristi also touched on how to recognize these skills in individuals during the hiring process, as well as tactics for making identifying transferable skills a key part of your hiring strategy.

Kat Gaines

Kat reminded us of something simple, but something that we so often forget: CX careers don’t have to suck! For many of us, we allow ourselves to become accustomed to struggle. It can become familiar and comfortable and therefore make seeking success feel uncomfortable leading us to stay in that struggle instead. But it doesn’t have to be that way, and Kat taught us the value of recognizing the potential for fulfillment in our CX careers and encouraged us to pursue opportunities for growth and satisfaction rather than remaining in a state of struggle.

Allison Cloyd

In her first on-stage talk at ElevateCX, Allison used the Hero’s Journey framework to candidly share her customer experience journey to date. By being so open and honest in discussing the challenges and triumphs she has faced through her journey, Allison shared how the Hero’s Journey can serve as a powerful narrative for personal and professional growth in CX.

Sarah Caminiti

What a way to end the two days of talks than with Sarah sharing the challenges and experiences in the lead up to her finding the ElevateCX community. She left everyone walking away with a bounce in their step! Sarah emphasized the importance of not making assumptions, reminding us to pause before jumping to conclusions. Take a moment of reflection to avoid misunderstandings and misjudgments. Pause, reflect, and approach situations with greater mindfulness.

The next ElevateCX event is only weeks away on November 8th in London! You can register for a ticket here.